When you’re at the point of your career where it’s time to bring on an attorney to help facilitate your goals and tasks, there are a few steps and questions to consider. However, even before it’s time to bring on a team, knowing the ins and the outs of the music business is an essential way to further your career, make strong choices in various situations, effectively negotiate, and gain respect among peers and labels. Combined with this personal knowledge, the help of a good attorney is the best way to strengthen your career and have someone on your side.
READ MOREBy: Adam Freedman and Alyssa Minnec As we’re sure you are aware, a big part of collaborating in hip hop these days involves producers simply sending their beats out to anyone they can find to record songs over…
READ MOREBy Adam Freedman & Alyssa Minnec What is SoundExchange? You’re probably already familiar with registering your music with organizations like ASCAP, BMI, Harry Fox Agency, etc., who collect PUBLISHING royalties on behalf of songwriters and publishers. However, SoundExchange…
READ MOREArtists do not like discussing contracts, period, and one of the harder ones to address is the band member contract because it can feel like it acknowledges a certain level of distrust or at least…
READ MORERecently, hashtags have become important tools for driving online interaction between entertainers and consumers on social media. The law is still being developed in this area, but the increased use of hashtags has nevertheless gotten…
READ MOREThese days, the barriers to entry for starting a record label are practically nothing. Many labels have been formed by someone saying “Ok, I have a record label.” Ultimately, signing up for Soundcloud and creating…
READ MOREThink about it…when someone in your group, social or professional, brings up an innovative idea, or reveals that they’re starting a new project, how do you typically respond? Do you typically encourage them, or are you the one…